sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

Como luce la verdadera Justicia Social

"However, the driving force behind this and other similar reforms is not the apparent desperate urge of their proponents to use the one tool they find effective — and then hammer away on all the disturbing “nails” they see. If we are to take these politicians at their word, we conclude that their motivation is one of social justice: the passionate dislike for — often even hatred of — unfair, unjust, discriminatory, if not oppressive, behavior. Wherever someone is unfairly or unjustly treated, it is a symptom of a disease — and requires a call for action.
To put this in more familiar terms, the driving force behind these reforms is a passion for justice...
[...] Granted, the means chosen by these policymakers are highly unlikely to lead to the desired ends. The inequality of some getting paid less for the same work, or the inequality of some being rich while others are poor, is hardly solved by instituting arbitrary power among men to redistribute from the haves to the have-nots. Indeed, if money is power, which is the common claim and the assertion on which the immorality of inequality rests, then how can a "right" to use political power over life and death of others be a solution?"

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